Dynvyte Purple Magic
A combination botanical formulation which may help to reduce muscle fatigue.
Primarily an antioxidant, Purple Magic is only suitable for horses working at full speed over sustained distances of 1400 metres or more.
Using Purple Magic may be beneficial in helping an animal’s muscle recovery after such extended levels of high exertion, where the body’s demand for oxygen exceeds the oxygen supply available.
Available in a 32mL tube.
Using Purple Magic may be beneficial in helping an animal’s muscle recovery after such extended levels of high exertion, where the body’s demand for oxygen exceeds the oxygen supply available.
Active ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba Extract 165mg/mL Grapeseed extract 165mg/mL
8mL, 2-6 hours before strenuous exercise.
Purple Magic is available in a 32mL tube, representing 4 doses.
Manufactured in Australia under GMP conditions by Agricure Pty Ltd.
Regulatory Status: Australia: END (Excluded Nutritional or Digestive product).
Does not contain any FEI prohibited substances as per the January 2019 Register.